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Stay in the Know With Alerts


Looking for a deposit?  Let Alerts notify you without having to login to Online or Mobile Banking.

Take control of your bank account with Alerts. Choose from dozens of real-time notifications to help you stay on top of your account activity. Here’s how it works:

  • Login to your Mobile or Online Banking account to set-up your free alerts. 
  • Choose from a list of available alerts, including account increases, decreases, transactions and more. 
  • Looking for your payroll deposit - set-up a 'A deposit was posted' under the TRANSACTION section.
  • Set-up your notification for a push alert, text message* or email.
  • Feel protected that you’ll know when your account is affected.
Sign in to your Online Banking account View Demo

New and improved Alerts are available!  What's new?  You can take action.  Use the notification response option to transfer funds on the spot.  You can take action with the following alerts:

  • Account balance above threshold
  • Account balance below threshold
  • Loan is past due
  • Loan payment is due
Alert Options

What Else Can I Do With Alerts?

Use Alerts to help manage your money and know what’s going on with your account. In all of the following scenarios, you can set up an alert to help you stay in charge.

Looking for a deposit - set-up a 'A deposit was posted' under the TRANSACTION section.

A purchase using your debit card was just processed - Alerts will let you know.

An ATM withdrawal is made - see the Alert right away.

A check clears that exceeds the amount you set - you know right away with Alerts.

Text Fraud Alerts

Text Fraud Alerts offers a simple and powerful protection for your debit card.  Minster Bank debit cards are monitored for unusual and suspicious activity.  Now you can receive a simple text to your mobile phone to take action.  Here's how it works:
  • If suspicious activity is detected, you'll receive a text* from #37-268
  • Simply reply 'Yes' or 'No' if fraud
  • If fraudulent, you'll receive notification of the next steps
It is simple - all debit card holders are signed-up to be protected.  Text Fraud Alerts requires texting and current mobile phone number on our system to receive this service.  Contact us today to ensure you are protected!

Contact Us       View Demo

Online and Mobile Banking

Simple. Secure. Convenient.

Rest assured that online and mobile banking are secure. Your account data has the highest level of safety possible. And you can make deposits 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including weekends and holidays.

Enroll today
*Text message and data rates may apply from your service provider.
Text Fraud Alerts - a service that sends a text to debit card users if there is suspected fraudulent transactions.